oak lawn escape room escape game blog

oak lawn escape room

New Room Opening Soon!

Hello all!

We are in the final stretch of getting our second room open. We are so proud of the work that has gone into the set, story and game of this new experience. We will be offering tickets to sale to the general public within the next few weeks. Anyone who has visited our facility previously should receive an email notification as soon as were ready to push it live.

We are always looking for Beta testers when we open a new room. This means you and your team would go through the room before its official open. You help us gauge whether our game is too long, too short or too complicated so that we can tweak it for our general public release. IF you are interested in participating in our open Betas, give us a call!


Welcome to the Oak Lawn Escape Room Blog!

Welcome to the Oak Lawn Escape Room Blog!

Welcome to our South Side Escape Room Blog! We will bring you all the latest information about our business and the happenings around South Side Escape Room. We are very excited to open our doors to our very first escape room game "Cold War Crisis". In addition to sharing new news about our business, we will be writing updates about industry trends, room solving secrets and much more.